This conference is free, virtual, full of resources, engaging
discussions and important statistics in our community. There's so
much to take away from this event! Attendees will be leaving our
conference with new knowledge, awareness, resources, and hopefully
new friends!
This training is usually for adults and professionals but it is
being modified for teens that attend this conference. Suicide
Prevention training teaches teens about current suicide related
statistics, how to recognize the warning signs of suicide in
others, and how to get help.
We’ll be sending out an email with all agenda details, resources,
and the zoom link to join!
That’s fine! It’s a very flexible conference. If anyone feels
uncomfortable during any point of the conference, we have a
breakout room where you can relax and listen to music until the
next discussion or speaker. Attending at least one day of the
conference will qualify you for the certificate.
No, the event is free!! Participants also get a guide full of
resources provided by ZCares!
DM our
page! You can also contact!
Conference Recordings
Welcome Speech
Keynote Speaker, Amanda Lipp
Dr. Anurag Mairal on Youth Empowerment
Day 2 intro and Day 1 Review
Teen Resiliency Activity related to Mental Health by Patty Hoyt